50 Proven Strategies to convert more prospects in your business

Provide Written guarantees

Offer individualistic and unique  selling deals

Enlist the benefits of your products and services

Selling exclusive,private,special products

Provide product depth and width offering wide  the range of products

Enhance excellence and  the quality of products/services

Showcase Lists of product testimonials/customers testimonials

Offer facility to attend  Demonstration live or online

Provide the chance to try and buy

Deals with deadlines and time constraints

Proposal for exclusive deadlines

Rebranding and revamping the brand,

Provide Convenient  ,Eco friendly packaging, functional and utilitarian packaging

reusable packaging  and utility oriented packaging and easy to use  packaging

Exposure and advertising of  accolades, certificate  and awards  earned through recognition

Waiting/hold   messages on the phone

Various methods  to order-by phone/by fax/mail/e mail/online

Favourable payment methods

Financial support options

Offer the possibility of instalment payments

Different method of payments : by card, by cash, transfer etc

Easy Micropayments (via SMS)

Video demonstrations of process, payments  

Offer of Complementary, free delivery

Publish Press articles

Highlight Your company vision, mission, values

Highlight Testimonials and feed backs

Instal Multiple follow up ways,e mail,phone,mail etc

Become customer oriented, focussed

Maintain user-friendly both offline and online

Evaluate , Test ,Tweak ,Measure and eliminate ineffective marketing

Analyse and learn from top sellers regarding conversion process and techniques

Contests and challenges between sales people

Appeal to emotions -turn the features in to benefits

Establish  a toll free phone no for orders/and information

Plan strategic contests and raffles to engage and convert individuals

Plan and Organize strategic contests and raffles to attract, engange and convert Individuals

Offer continuous training to all sales agents

Provide a common percentage on each sale to all employees as a means of motivating them

Provide commission percentage on each sale to all employees as a means of motivating them

Provide effective communication training to your employees

Enhance the appearance of your office /store

Implement Buy back systems

Welcome customers and potential customers with open doors

Incorporate small gifts in direct mail or postal communications.

Provide complementary shopping/coupons or vouchers/gift vouchers

Establish various loyalty progam with benefits

Provide options for automatic reordering/ordering based on average amount

Brand employee uniforms with  slogan or USP on them

implement sales scenarios to  train the sales people

Incorporate Webchat or virtual seller on your website

Focus on educating the market about value rather than price

Update your data base

Focus your marketing exclusively only on target groups, audience, traffic, visitors

Generate your ideal customer profile/avatar and identify his or needs

Maintain consistency and reliability by honouring your commitments

Rotate/Modify  continuously your offers (don’t repeat  the same offer again and again)

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