45 ways to Increase the average value per transactions

45 ways to Increase the average value per transactions

Up selling Cross selling Down selling Use checklist Use questionnaires and surveys Create payment advantages to your customers Sell unique products/services Reorganize the space in your store Open new selling points Impulse shopping/simply ask ad offer them to buy more Products packaging Offer shopping deals for large quantities Offer advantages for purchases over x no…

How to Build a Business which can grow with out you

Introduction Starting a business is a significant achievement, but the ultimate goal for many entrepreneurs is to build a business that can grow and succeed even when they are not actively involved. This level of independence and sustainability is a mark of a successful venture. In this blog, we’ll explore the various stages of building…

Self-Employment vs. Business Mindset in the Indian Context

Self-Employment vs. Business Mindset in the Indian Context

In today’s ever-evolving professional landscape, the lines between self-employment and embracing a business mindset have blurred significantly. This shift is particularly pronounced in the diverse and dynamic context of India. In this comprehensive article, we delve into the nuances of self-employment and a business-oriented approach, elucidating their differences with real-world examples and insights that can…

50 Proven Strategies  to convert more prospects  in your business

50 Proven Strategies to convert more prospects in your business

Provide Written guarantees Offer individualistic and unique  selling deals Enlist the benefits of your products and services Selling exclusive,private,special products Provide product depth and width offering wide  the range of products Enhance excellence and  the quality of products/services Showcase Lists of product testimonials/customers testimonials Offer facility to attend  Demonstration live or online Provide the chance…

50 Tactics to Increase Average Sales

22.Foster in your customers the sense of being part of something unique and valuable. 23.Provide a welcome package 24.Establish a club or mastermind group for your customers 25.Implement a follow-up system and express gratitude after each transaction 26.Establish a periodic feedback system to inquire about clients’ experiences with the products or services they have purchased….

Overcoming the Employee Disengagement

Overcoming the Employee Disengagement

Employee disengagement can result from a variety of factors, and it’s essential for organizations to understand and address these issues to maintain a motivated and productive workforce. Here are some common reasons for employee disengagement: It’s essential for organizations to address these issues to create a more engaged and productive workforce. Regular feedback, employee surveys,…

Business Automation For Small Entrepreneurs

Introduction: Efficiency and productivity are key aspects of running a successful business. By setting up effective systems, entrepreneurs can create a self-sustaining business that operates smoothly even without their constant involvement. 1. Define Clear Processes: To create a self-sustaining business, it is essential to define and document clear processes for every aspect of your operations….